APEX provides comprehensive medical care for you and your family within the comfort of your home. Book your appointment today! Dial 800-619-6337

Acute Illness

When unexpected health issues arise, acute care is your reliable partner. From sudden illnesses to minor injuries, acute care provides immediate attention and relief.

  • Abscess Treatment
  • Sick Visits (sore throat, urinary tract infection)
  • Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat (common cold, conjunctivitis, pink eye, sinus infections, bronchitis, sore throat, cough, canker sores)
  • Lungs (common cold, flu, COVID 19, asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, smoking cessation)
  • Stomach (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, reflux, change in bowel patterns, hoarseness)
  • Urinary (difficulty urinating, change in urinary pattern, urinary tract infections, incontinence)
  • Women’s Health (bacterial vaginosis, urinary incontinence, bladder infections)
  • Musculoskeletal (low back pain, joint pain, muscle pain)
  • Neurology (insomnia, nerve pain, numbness, and tingling)
  • Mental health (depression screening)
  • Hormones (thyroid, diabetes)
  • Skin (minor rashes, burns, shingles)
  • Medication Refills (refill daily medications)